Our mission is to reduce healthcare inequity, lower healthcare costs and improve outcomes

Why this Mission Matters

Unless you’re geographically or socioeconomically lucky, it’s difficult to gain access to expertise in various disciplines of healthcare. Pediatric expertise is scarce and increasingly centralized, leaving 60% of rural counties in the US with no pediatric specialist.

We have the ability to use advanced cloud computing and AI technology to make a difference for children who are not geographically or socioeconomically lucky.

How? By creating privacy-preserving, real-time applications based on access to data in all 1,000,000 healthcare machines in all 500 children’s hospitals in the world.

How this Helps

Reduce Healthcare Inequity

Our technology enables clinical experts to reach patients beyond their immediate geographical areas and provide expertise with children who need care.

Lower Healthcare Cost

Our programs are designed to significantly lower costs by making critical data readily available for more timely and accurate care.

Improve Patient Outcomes

Our groundbreaking innovations provide privacy-preserving, real-time data that is as simple to use as an app on your phone.

Our Programs

Where to Follow Us

Subscribe to Monthly Newsletter

Get the latest updates on Pediatric Moonshot progress straight from our Founder and CEO, Dr. Timothy Chou.

Biweekly Podcast

Listen to diverse thought leaders and innovators in children’s healthcare sharing their stories and contributions to the Pediatric Moonshot mission.

Medium Articles

Read about the latest developments in pediatric healthcare and technology that is helping advance the Pediatric Moonshot mission.
  • We need AI to bring the best of pediatric care to the children of the world.
    Anthony Chang, MD, MPH, MBA
    Chief Intelligence and Innovation Officer, CHOC Founder & Chair, AIMed Author, Intelligence Based Medicine
  • Developing and deploying AI for children’s medicine would be game changing for children’s healthcare worldwide.
    Sherry Farrugia
    Chief Executive Officer at Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) Atlanta, Georgia
  • The Pediatric Moonshot will give us the transformative power of using information to create a holistic model of children’s health. This could be a catalyst for a major step forward in the wellness of humanity.
    R. Lawrence Moss, MD
    President and Chief Executive Officer Nemours Children’s Health System Wilmington, Delaware
  • Bevelcloud seeks to address a critical infrastructure gap and ensures children’s health will have the opportunity to benefit from the transformative opportunities in precision health and clinical machine learning
    Matthew Lungren, MD, MPH
    former Associate Professor Stanford University School of Medicine, Co-Director Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

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Help Better the Lives of Children with Your Partnership.

We have tremendous support from the extended community of members who have joined the Pediatric Moonshot mission.

Demonstrate your commitment to bettering the lives of children by becoming a partner.

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